Saturday, September 29, 2012

Hutt Valley U13 Rep Team

Jack got the call in early August that he was in the Under 13, Hutt Valley Representative Hockey team.  The team was put together quite late in the season, but as his Hutt Intermediate hockey was nearly finished the news was very well received.

The team trains from 6.30 - 8pm on Wednesday nights.  Here's Jack in his first team kit (he's now had three).


On the 19th of August he attended the Mini Curtis Tournament in Wanganui at the Wanganui Colliegate School Turf.  They played Wanganui at 12.30am and Hawkes Bay at 3.30pm.

The team then went back on 8-9 of September for a Whanganui Mini Tournament.  They stayed in cabins at the Top 10 Holiday Park.  They played Rangatiki at 7pm on the 8th and Horowhenua at 10.15am on the 9th.  It was a very wet trip and both games were played in the rain.



We all (excluding Dad who had to work) went to support Jack and and his team playing Horowhenua at the Halliwell Turf.  They unfortunately lost 11-0.  It was a beautiful day and we had a great time.

Jack's team once again played in Levin on 29 September at the Halliwell Hockey Turf:

Horowhenua Historical Society Inc.

The first game was vs Horowhenua; this time they please a lot better, with a final score of 5-0.  

The second game was vs Manawatu which we won 2-0.  It was a great game and the parents were very excited when the goals were scored!!  Again it was a beautiful day - well worth the drive to Levin.  

Todd came up after work in time to collect Jack on the motorbike and bring him home.  They went to visit Todd's Uncle Ross and had a boys road trip home.

Jack's final tournament as an U13 Rep will be the Curtis Cup.  This is a five day tournament based in Levin.    Watch this space for the update!



    Today's Update from our Team Manager Trudy: Mon, 8 October ...

    Hi everyone, boys are settled and doing well. We had a draw 0-0 in today's game against taranaki. Player of the day was Liam who listened and did exactly as he was told having a great day at the top of both circles.

    All the boys played well and the score was not reflective of our potential so true to form we are looking forward to tomorrow when we hope to have a win!

    This afternoon the boys have been swimming so I can imagine they will be having 3rds for dinner again and looking forward to a good sleep!

    Trust you are all well and not missing them too much :)

    Many thanks to our extra supporters today, lovely to see you! Trudy

  2. NEXT MESSAGE FROM MANAGER: Tue, 9 October, 3.44pm

    Hi Everyone,we played Manawatu at lunch today, we were 2-0 down in the first 10 minutes. The boys worked hard and picked up their game and managed to finish 3-0 down at half time. Bit of a shame as it was Manawatu we beat 2-0 last weekend.

    Second half was a solid performance from our team. Unfortunately we were unable to finish a couple of PC's and some of the "umpire in training" calls were's helping us throughout the game.

    Second half was 0-0 so final score was 3-0.

    All the team are playing very well, fair to say that today they are feeling a bit tired, however we are having a restful afternoon at the turf. Many of the boys are watching other team and picking up some of the key actions we are trying to drill into them and seeing the impact on the field. It is great to get them out watching hockey as they learn often without even realising. I will send out a note later today to let you know how we got on and what time our game(s) are tomorrow.

    Thank you all for your support, the boys seem to be having a good time. Today's game was hard, but they all improved their hockey so much and we are looking forward to this afternoon! Trudy

  3. UPDATE FROM TRUDY, Tue, 9 October 7.29pm

    Hi everyone,well a very hard fought game this afternoon saw us lose 4-0 to hawkes bay. This meant we had to go to a penalty shoot out with taranaki tonight to determine 3rd and 4th in our pool.

    Bad news is we list the shoot out, good news is we now get a chance at 2 games tomorrow!

    11am we play wairarapa who are bottom of the pool a. If we win we play horowhenua at 3:30. If we lose it will be 9th place.

    With the awesome games the boys have been having we are confident of a win tomorrow. Hopefully the boys will actually gain from that and get confidence heading into next round! All support and encouragement appreciated! Trudy

  4. UPDATE FROM TRUDY, Wed 10 October 4.05pm

    Hi Everyone, for those who haven't heard unfortunately we lost our game against Wairarapa this morning. Unfortunately this means we came 9th (last) and have no further games.

    Please be sure to congratulate your boys who all played their hearts out this tournament. We didn't always manage to get our best game on the field, but I think every boy has taken something out of the experience and that more importantly they have enjoyed their hockey! The fact we had 4 boys in tears after our penalty shoot out last night tells you just how passionate they have been about giving it their all!

    You can all be very proud of our teams behaviour while they have been away too. They have much better table manners than Wellington (who were staying and eating with us). They also have shown great sportsmanship and played fair and honest matches. They have been a very proud representation of Hutt Valley.

    Specifically we have had compliments "off the cuff" from 4 other team coaches about the quality of our game, our continuous fair play and composure both on and off the field.

    When you think back to our very first mini tournament when we got beaten 13-0 against Hawkes Bay and 8-1 by Horowhenua. For the team to have a final score of 4-0 against Hawkes Bay yesterday it was an awesome improvement, especially as Hawkes Bay also beat the Wellington team this afternoon and are going to be playing off for 1st place tomorrow afternoon!

    The boys have been chilling at the field this afternoon and the last of them have just headed back to Tatum park. Many are returning home today as parents have had to reprioritise given the fact we have no games tomorrow. We will stay on with a small contingent of the team to show a Hutt representation tomorrow at the turf and prize giving tomorrow, which is expected of all teams.

    Many thanks to all the parents and grandparents who have helped out along the way especially our strong contingent of over nighters ... who's backs may never be the same sleeping on bunk beds for several nights :)

    Special thanks too to our coach for helping not only the boys but many of our parents on the sideline to support in the "correct manner". It has been great for the boys to have you along and help them grow not only as hockey players but as young men.

    It has been wonderful to have supporters turning up to watch games - fantastic for the boys to have parents here cheering them on! It is hard to juggle work, kids and spectatorship so thanks for showing your support.

    Thank you all for your words of encouragement and support for the boys on phone and text too. They all look forward to boasting about hearing from you and reporting back - even if they don't reply to your texts :)

    Thank you all, Trudy
