Friday, July 20, 2012

Olivia's Half Birthday

It was 4.30 am on Thursday morning.  The alarm clock sounded and Todd and Olivia bounded out of bed with great anticipation of a wonderful day.  Yes, the day was finally here when Olivia was getting her 1/2 Birthday Present; a day learning to ski with Dad.

A quick breakfast was had and they set off on the drive to Turoa.  They arrived as the place was opening and got the gear fitted that the needed.

Next it was lessons and then up to test out the newly learned skills (Olivia that is!).  They had a fabulous day, leaving when the mountain closed at 4pm. 

Thank you to Aunty Claire and Brent for the use of your gear.  It was really helpful.



Happy Half Birthday Olivia.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The 'Crazy' Day Plan

We have started a bit of a tradition where we do a CRAZY DAY PLAN when Aunty Deirdre looks after Renee and Zoe in the School Holidays.  We all have a lot fun.  Aunty/Mum writes up the plan and then the kids work through the tasks.  Today's tasks were:

  • Write your full name (first, middle and surname) backwards
  • Make a board game and play it with someone.  The winner was
  • Make a piece of clothing that you can wear out of newspaper
  • Do 50 punches on Uncle Todd/Dad’s boxing bag without stopping
  • Write an article about the Crazy Day plan to go on Aunty’s Blog.  It has to include: the thing that you have most enjoyed; Something you’d like to do; How it makes you feel; Something funny; A photo of you doing something from the Crazy Day Plan.
  • 30+30+10  jumps on the trampoline
  • Draw a picture that includes: A robber; A sports team; A super hero; McDonalds Restaurant; Jack
  • Make your first initial out of gingerbread.
  • Do 5 laps of our driveway (top to bottom and back)
  • Do 15 hockey passes to your team mate
  • Make a clock
  • Do 30 Rugby passes with our partner
  • Draw Jack on the driveway
  • Make a Tangram (see below) and do the five puzzles.

Here's the Crazy Day Articles:

The part of the day that I enjoyed was doing 70 jumps on the tramp, because I love trampolines.  Next time I would like to do something to do with gymnastics. The Crazy Day plan make me feel excited and a little bit competitiveThe most funny activity was drawing Jack on the driveway, because I gave him muscles.  By Renee

The Amazing Crazy Day Plan . . . the funniest thing was when I dressed up in a newspaper bikini which me and Liv made. I enjoyed doing hockey passes with Renee.  We had heaps and heaps of fun end enjoyed McDonalds too.  Next time I would like to have more activities because the more things the more fun we have.  I really enjoy spending time with my cousins.  By William

The Crazy Day plan is really fun.  My favourite thing that we did is go to McDonalds.  I would like to go to the Zoo next holidays. The Crazy Day plan makes me feel happy.  Daniel and Wiliam got told off for climbing to the top of the playground by a McDonalds lady.  By Zoe

The funniest thing was dressing up in newspaper clothes.  My favourite thing that I did was go to McDonalds and jumping on the trampoline.  Next time I would like to put the nets up on the tramp and do a backward somersault.  The Crazy Day plan makes me feel awesome as we have heaps of fun.  By Dan

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Wet School Holiday Fun

Well it's been a bit of a wet day today.  BUT I think the kids have had fun any way.  This morning I dropped Daniel and Jack off at my Dad's to meet up with their 2nd Cousin Yonni from Waipara (out of Christchurch).  They had a great time.  So much so that they bought Yonni back home for the afternoon and dinner.  When he was picked up Yonni was keen to stay and walk to the airport in the morning.  Next time, hopefully we can book in a sleep over.

William had his friend Thomas stay the night.  They had a sleepover in the rumpus room and didn't wake until 10am.  Then it was Cluedo on the Playstation.  What a quiet morning.

Olivia decided to do baking.  This was very well received.

Tomorrow Jack is doing a hockey programme.  This could be interesting with the weather!  The coach is Dane Lett who has been training very hard with Capital NHL Men’s team and is looking forward to the 1st Game in Wellington on the 18th August.  Can't wait to see what that's all about.

Daniel spent today trying to keep up with the big boys.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Dobson Loop Track

The Belmont Scout Troop was holding a Day Tramp to Smiths Creek Shelter in the Tararuas.  It was early, Todd and Jack got up and had a BIG breakfast as the Scout Leaders had suggested.

Then off for a Father - Son big adventure.


They met at the Scout Den and carpooled to Kaitoke.  The weather played along and the team were able to do the Dobson Loop via the old Dobson's Hut (no longer there).


Dobson's Hut site ... no longer present.

Point 656. Intrepid Belmont Scouts in the distance ahead of Craig (Leader).

Marchant Ridge from Point 656. Light dusting of snow beneath the cloud.

Big Rock - Smith's Creek, Tauherinikau River.
Our amazing Scout Leader, Craig Fraser with his son Finn.

Todd and Jack returned home about 6.30pm on Sunday night.  They had both had a great day, although somewhat tired and ready for bed!