Saturday, May 26, 2012

Daniel Plays at Westpac Stadium

Daniel had his debut at Westpac Stadium tonight.  Petone U8's played Poneke as the pre-game entertainment prior to the Hurricanes talking on the Rebels

Daniel played well, even loosing at tooth in his mouth guard.  He popped the tooth into his rugby sock and carried on.  What a super star.  Todd and William were Dan's support crew, William getting to see Captain Hurricane.  Jack was away at a Scouts Leadership Course (Sandford) for the weekend and Mum and Olivia watch the game from home.  It was a great win with the Hurricanes scoring 66 points (Rebels 22ish)!


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Winter Sports - Jack 2012


Jack has found a sport that he really enjoys

He played for Hutt Intermediate last year and has started again in Year 8.  His team is a mixture of experienced and new, Year 7 and 8, boys and girls.

Grandad Lye came to check him out.

Jack's coach Jay Bauman is very experienced and so patient.  He is teaching them and has high expectations.

Granny and Grandad came back again.

Here's the Smith Family.  Both Lauren and Joe play for the team.

Jack and his supporters.  Well done, we're proud of you.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Honey's

The Follett's were lucky to be able to host the Honey Family on their recent visit to Wellington.  It was great to meet Carter and to have their friends and family join them for a BBQ/catch up at our house.  The kids had a wonderful time meeting one another and hanging out until late.

Daniel had his class mascott for the weekend so Phoenix the Duck came to the party too.

Olivia was great looking after the young girls and William enjoyed the babies!  Here he is teaching Luke to skateboard.  Luke just turned one the day before.

Here's Carter meeting his new friend (sorry I don't know his name).  They were due at the same time but the other baby surprised everyone coming a couple of months early!

It was fun meeting new friends . . . .

And catching up with oldies . . .

Olivia lapped up cuddles with Carter (until he cried).

Here's the boys with their babies ...

The next morning the kids enjoyed a cuddle with Carter before he left.  I think that Carter really enjoyed watching the cartoons with Will.


Thanks for coming to stay Honey Family.  You're welcome to come back again.

Happy travels!